English Version
Encouraging on KTK Health Village Program
“Requires commitment and cooperation from all elements” – Merlan Uloli, Vice Regent
Bone Bolango – Post. The opening ceremony of the “Healthy and Resilient Village” was held in the Maleo building, Tulabolo Village, East Suwawa sub-district on 29, March 2021. It was attended by Merlan Uloli, the vice-regent of Bone Bolango. “Although this is ceremoniously declared, our commitment and cooperation are required to promote the “Healthy and Resilient Village”.” in her delivered message. “Healthy and Resilient Village” is an important program for the development process of Bone Bolango. Then she added that “The declaration of this “Healthy and Resilient Village” is the beginning of the better future of Bone Bolango. Don’t be content with this declaration yet, but we have to take responsibility for making this happened”.
The former Head Of Dukcapil in jayapura, Papua, also explained that she would manage and supervise the “Healthy and Resilient Village” in the sub-district of East Suwawa, so that it could be fully recognized. “We will start this program by the practice of good hygiene in order to get a healthy life because if we stay clean, we will be healthy but if we are dirty, we will definitely get sick.” concluded the vice-regent Merlan Uloli.
Indonesian Version
Kampung tangguh terus digelorakan
Wakil Bupati: butuh komitmen dan kerja sama semua elemen
Bone Bolango – kampung tangguh kesehatan merupakan suatu program yang begitu penting untuk kemajuan Bone Bolango. Sehingga butuh komitmen dan kerja sama, agar kampung tangguh kesehatan ini tidak hanya dicanangkan secara seremonial saja, tetapi harus terwujud. Hal ini disampaikan wakil bupati Bone Bolango Merlan Uloli, saat mencanangkan kampung tangguh kesehatan, di gedung maleo, desa tulabolo, kecamatan suwawa timur (29/3/2021). “Pencanangan kampung tangguh ini merupakan awal untuk menuju Bone Bolango dua kali Lebih Baik. Ini baru awal, jangan berpuas diri, berani mencanangkan harus berani bertanggung jawab untuk mewujudkanya”. Tuturnya Mantan kepala dinas dukcapil kota Jayapura, Papua, ini menegaskan ia akan terus mengawal program kampung tangguh kesehatan di wilayah kecamatan suwawa timur, sehingga bisa terwujud. “kita akan mulai dari kebersihan, karena jika kita bersih, kita juga akan sehat, tetapi jika kita kotor, maka pasti akan sakit.” Pungkas wabup merlan.