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Gorontalo Proposes 26 Geological Heritage to the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 | 11:32 West Indonesia Time | Writer MC PROV GORONTALO, Editor Tobari

Gorontalo, Infopublik – The Gorontalo Provincial Government has submitted a proposal for 26 geological heritages (geoheritage) to the Geological Agency to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Bappeda, Budiyanto Sidiki, said that the geopark development phase had begun in early 2019. Through the R&D field, Bapped cooperates with experts from the Center for Energy and Mineral Resources and Geopark Studies, Gorontalo State University carried out the preparation of research studies on geodiversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity, dossier preparation studies, and through the 2020 APBD-P funds, has completed an inventory study of geological diversity and geological heritage of geoparks.
The development of geopark stub is delivered Budiyanto Sidiki in coordination meetings and evaluation of pilot early development Geopark Gorontalo, Tuesday (26/01/2021). Later, Budiyanto explained by the Decree of the Governor of Gorontalo has formed Committee for the Acceleration Geopark Gorontalo involving all stakeholders.
The Geopark Committee team has visited the Gorontalo City Government, Gorontalo Regency, and Bone Bolango as the locations for the distribution of 26 geological heritages proposed to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. This Road Show was follow up with the minutes of the agreement, including the issuance of a decree on the determination of geosites in each district/city to intervene in geosite management and visibility.
This meeting attends by the Gorontalo Geopark Acceleration Committee Team, Head of MAGI Heryadi, Head of the General Mining and Geothermal Geology Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and related Regional Apparatus Organization, Gorontalo City Government, Bone Bolango, and Gorontalo Regency.
Chairman of the Center of The Energy and Mineral Resources and Geopark Studies at the State University of Gorontalo, Yayu Arifin is also a Geodiversity Study Expert/Coordinator of the Technical Team of the Gorontalo Geopark Acceleration Committee. The results of field observations and assessments of 26 geosites spread across the three areas in her presentation delivered.
The geosite has a high diversity of geological features, has Biodiversity potential with a high biodiversity index value, and has the potential for cultural diversity where is an added value in accelerating as a national geopark. Filing determination, geological heritage identification have been proposing. The geological heritage will be verified, classified, compared by the Geological Agency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
“In the future, strong collaboration from all parties needs to prepare Gorontalo Geopark and Good Governance in Geopark management,” said Yayu Arifin. Meanwhile, the heads of MAGI Heryadi and Togu Pardede from Bappenas highly appreciate the seriousness of the Gorontalo Provincial Government and district/city governments for geopark development.
The activity continued with a discussion led by the Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office, Rifli M Katili. This discussion resulted in follow-up recommendations, including the determination of geopark branding (geopark logo). The preparation of the Gorontalo Geopark master plan document in line with the regional tourism master plan document, geopark themes included in the provincial and district/city tourism event calendars.
As well as the appropriate approach in community empowerment, the establishment of geosite managers is to strengthen the capacity of geopark managers. Educational waste management, especially in Lake Limboto is to strengthening the capacity of village governments in planning. Manage geoparks to strengthenings all stakeholders related to geoparks and active collaboration in government programs, universities, and others.