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Holding FGD, Gorontalo Province Government Drives Accelerate Proposition of Geosite Potential as Local Geopark and National Geopark
The Gorontalo Provincial Government consistently and sustainably continues to make various efforts to accelerate the proposal for potential geosite regencies spread across/cities as local geoparks and geoparks national. The Focus Group Discussion, which was initiated by the Gorontalo Province Bappppeda, took place in the Saronde Meeting Room, 1st Floor of Bappeda, Monday (03/02/2020), presenting Museum Manager/two Geopark Areas in Japan Mr. Hisanari Sugawara, Ph.D, Dr.Sc. Yayu Indriati Arifin, M.Si from the Center for Geopark Studies, State University of Gorontalo and stakeholders from universities, related technical OPDs, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park Center, Cultural Conservation Preservation Center, BIOTA , Gorontalo Tourism Guide and Managers at Geosite Potential locations.
“This FGD was conducted to seek information, input, suggestions from all stakeholders regarding the potential for geodiversity, biodiversity, and cultural diversity in geosite locations that have been identified. We have written to the Head of the Geological Survey Center, the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to help conduct a geological diversity study, detailing the results of the initial study that has been carried out by local researchers from the State University of Gorontalo which will later be proposed to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia to be designated as geological heritage (geoheritage). The target is that by the middle of this year every potential Geosite can be designated as a Local Geopark. And it is planned that at the end of this year or early next year, it can be proposed as a Geopark National,” said Tity Iriani Datau, S.TP, M.Si, Head of Research and Development of Bappeda Gorontalo Province when opening this event.
According to Dr.Sc.Yayu Indriati Arifin, M.Si, Head of the UNG Geopark Study Center, the Gorontalo Geopark Development received support from various parties, starting from the Regional Government, Gorontalo State University and even from ITB and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (Japanese Research Institute). The UNG Geopark Study Center has mapped the geological heritage potentials. From the results of the identification, there are 46 potential geosites spread across regencies/cities throughout Gorontalo Province and require an in-depth scientific study.
The Sharing of Japanese Geopark Management was also conveyed by Mr.Hisanari Sugawara.
“To realize a good geopark, we need to build the concept of transdisciplinary contents, all parties must be involved as resources that can develop geoparks, Stake Holder Analysis, and take a bottom-up approach, namely empowerment and active involvement of local communities”
Mr. Rosyid Azhar from BIOTA also conveyed several inputs related to biodiversity at the Limboto Lake Location. “In the future, the local government can encourage Limmoto Lake as a monitoring site for migratory birds as part of the Gorontalo Geopark,” he said.
Furthermore, in the discussion, information related toobtained Cultural Diversity was from Dr. Magdalena-UNG, information on potential cultural heritage that supports geoparks from the Gorontalo Cultural Heritage Preservation Center, information on potential geosites in the location of Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, and information from the Marine and Fisheries Service regarding the publication the results of the study of 14 special water conservation areas in the RZWP3K document in Gorontalo Province.
Closing the FGD, the Head of Research and Development said that support from all parties is very much needed. The follow-up of this meeting was to immediately disseminate geoparks to the community at potential geosite locations and in the near future ascheduled to be held Road Show is to the Regency/City Government to disseminate information regarding the Geopark Development plan in Gorontalo Province. The preparation of the storyline study requires the synergy of programs and activities of OPD Partners, district/city governments, universities and other research institutions.